Who says you can't read Italian? Just look at the following news item in today's Corriere Della Sera,
and honestly try to translate every word you see. Of course, there
are many words you can't understand, but there are many other s you
don't even need to translate! Check your impression of the news with
the report in today's THE HINDU, then come back to the Corriere and see
for yourself how much Italian you already know!
Corriere Della Sera, Milano
13 March 2013Tensione dopo la decisione dell'italia di non far tornare i fucilieri a New Delhi
Convocato l'ambasciatore italiano -- Il premier Manmohan Singh: "decisione inaccettabile"
È braccio di ferro tra Italia e India dopo l'annuncio che i marò italiani non torneranno a New Delhi.
Dopo la convocazione dell'ambasciatore
italiano a New Delhi, Daniele Mancini, il ministero degli Esteri indiano
ha diffuso una nota in cui si chiede a l'Italia di "rispettare
l'impegno preso", ossia di far rientrare in India i due marò a cui era
stata concesso un permesso per votare alle elezioni in Italia.
"Il governo dell'India sostiene con fermezza di non essere d'accordo con la posizione espressa dal governo italiano sul ritorno dei due marine in India - ha fatto sapere New Delh -- L'India si aspetta dalla Repubblica italiana, come Paese impegnato nel rispetto della legge, che onori la dichiarazione giurata sovrana fornita da essa alla Corte Suprema". . . .
THE HINDU, New Delhi
13 March 2013Rome must stand by commitment, envoy told
"Italy reneging on promise unacceptable," says Manmohan Singh
Taken by surprise by the Italian refusal late on Monday night to send back the two marines, facing trial for killing two Indian fishermen off Kerala, India set in motion the process to regain lost ground by summoning Italy's envoy and telling him that Rome must stand by its commitment to send the duo within four weeks to stand trial here.
India tried to hold Italian Ambassador Daniele Mancini by his undertaking to the Supreme Court that allowed the two marines to leave for their country to cast votes in the February 24-25 general elections. Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai told Mr. Mancini that the Italian government was “obliged to ensure their return.” . . .
This interaction at the diplomatic level in the evening was preceded by political activity with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh telling a delegation of parliamentarians from Kerala that Italy reneging on its promise to the Supreme Court of ensuring the return of the marines was “unacceptable” . . .
“As far as we are concerned, Italy is obliged to ensure that the two marines returned in the time frame given by the Supreme Court. Basically that is the position I took at the meeting I had when I summoned the Ambassador of Italy a little while ago,” Mr. Mathai told journalists.
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